It’s been a while but I am nearly ready to reveal a project I’ve been working on behind the scenes for some time.
A bit of background.
As you may already know, for many years I worked as a traditional realist artist painting mostly wildlife and portraits of people and pets.
Back in 2020, I took the opportunity to do Louise Fletcher’s Find Your Joy course which opened me up to painting in a much more expressive, free and ultimately more joyful way.
The following year I held a solo exhibition of this flamboyant new work and it was incredibly successful.

However, I found that there were very few opportunities to show this new style of work in venues in my local area. The exception to that being the wonderful Gallery in Aberlour who have always been very supportive in showing and selling my work which has included some of my more expressive wildlife pieces.
Around the same time I was becoming aware of other artists and friends who were painting unusual, visionary and intuitive artwork and who were also struggling to find their creative home.
From that realisation, an idea was born!
Following that Spark
Last year an opportunity became available to rent a small unit on the High Street in my town. I poured a lot of energy into a business plan to be able make use of the space as a gallery to display my own work and that of artists who had a similar vision to show something a bit different to the world.
Although I was very fired up for the task, it just wasn’t a good time to try and open a physical gallery space. However, not one to give up on my dreams and encouraged by the sage advice of a former gallery owner, I decided to create an online gallery separate from my own website to showcase the work of visionary and intuitive artists in Scotland and beyond.
It has been a lot of work to put this together but I’m nearly ready to go live with a handful of select artists whose work I admire greatly.
I hope to grow this small selection to include more artists in the near future.
Future Projects
As part of this new venture, I will be working towards offering more workshops, either in-person or online.

I also intend to organise some exhibition opportunities for the artists I represent.
For now though, I’d like to focus on promoting the work of this wonderful collection of artists whilst still finding time to create my own paintings.
Upcoming Events

North East Open Studios 2022 is nearly upon us so I will be painting my socks off to prepare for that. As there is not enough room at my own studio, I am being kindly hosted by Artisan Giftware in Buckie. They have a perfect gallery space within their venue for me to be able to show my work and demonstrate my painting techniques.
I do hope you will manage along to see me at some point during the event. More information on dates and times to follow soon.
Until next time…
Wishing you the opportunity to follow your dreams whatever they may be.
Love and gratitude