Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Gogh
I have almost completed all the work for my solo exhibition in Elgin Library Gallery.
Including 4 older pieces from my last exhibition that are nice large space fillers and 3 pieces I need to collect from galleries, I now have 31 paintings all ready and framed.
There’s still one that needs to be finished and one more small one required to fill a space. That will take me to 33, then I’m done. Well, apart from taping up the backs and stringing and labelling them all of course. Haha!
I had been battling with these three that I just couldn’t resolve and wasn’t at all enthusiastic about.
So I ditched them and started three new ones. Of these, only the middle one has come to anything. The other two will have to wait for their opportunity to shine.
I feel unusually calm, despite also needing to complete another 7 new paintings for Art Aboyne in the next few weeks. I’m just focussing on moving forward one task at a time. It’s all anyone can do when faced with a challenge.
My husband always says to me “How do you eat an elephant?” (I reply that I would never eat an elephant), his answer is “One bite at a time!”
It’s a joke of course but the concept is true. I have often felt overwhelmed by the large tasks and projects I set myself. After flapping around for a bit and getting all worked up I realise I just have to start and then keep going.
Glutton for Punishment
Of course, not content with the large amount of work I already have on my plate, I also decided to rework some older paintings that I wasn’t completely happy with.
These ones will look quite different next time you see them. They will have new titles too. Deciding on titles is often as hard as doing the painting.

Rewilding My Heart

No Ifs, Ands, or Buts!

Paws For Effect
Date Reminders
Art in the Waiting Room 23rd May – 10th July – Online exhibition of more traditional paintings in aid of Camphill Wellbeing
The Big Hop Trail 2nd July – 3rd September – Painted hare sculpture trail in aid of CLAN Cancer Support (My sculpture will be at Lochter Activity Centre)
Solo Exhibition in Elgin Library Gallery 8th July – 21st August – ‘Out of Chaos’ a collection of vibrant wildlife paintings.
Art Aboyne 21st July – 12th August – Glen Tanar Memorial Hall, Aboyne. Royal Deeside’s annual art exhibition featuring artists from across the North East.
Aberdeen Art Fair 1st – 3rd September with Aether to Easel – The Music Hall, Aberdeen.
North East Open Studios 9th – 16th September upstairs at Threaplands Garden Centre, Lhanbryde.
The Mind, Body, Spirit Festival 17th – 19th November at the Birmingham NEC with Aether to Easel
Until Next Time..
I did say this would be a quickie but since I wrote this I have started yet another painting, the little one I mentioned earlier for the last small space. No idea what it will be yet but I hope I’ll find something interesting soon.
Right! That’s definitely me done now so I’ll sign off and say thank you for your continued interest in where my work is taking me. Scroll down for more.
Love and gratitude
Alanda xx
Painting of the Week
Actually it’s two paintings this week because they’re a matching pair. These starlings are painted in pastel on a watercolour background.
The pastel is iridescent so it has a subtle sheen to it that mimics the iridescence of starling feathers in the sunlight. I tried to capture it on video but it still doesn’t show as well as it should. Although it does show how much detail it in the head and feathers.
They really are best seen in person as these photos also make them appear a little dull which they are not. If you’d like to arrange a viewing, please get in touch.
They are 23x25cm mounted and framed to 40x40cm and can be bought from Art in the Waiting Room by downloading their reservation form.



